Monday, September 15, 2008

The Crying Game

After yet another frustrating night of Sabrina refusing to go back to sleep (especially frustrating since she went to bed so easily), I decided to let her cry it out at 3 a.m. It's harder to do when you're not watching TV! Anyway, it took about 30 minutes before she decided to give up and let us all get some sleep. After getting a good seven hours of sleep, I'm feeling almost...smug. A sure sign that disaster is about to strike.

Last night, during feedings, I played with a new toy: I have a bunch of pictures from the Froerer Family Olympics that I wanted to share but didn't want to pay to print out. Solution? Online scrapbooking! I like actually having scrapbooks in my hands rather than online, I think, but online is perfect for something like this.

Well, as I have no more anecdotes, humorous or otherwise, here are some more pictures.

With Grandma and The Bodester

With Grandpa, her future favorite person. We're all jealous.

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