Monday, February 27, 2012


I've always wanted to get belly pictures. You know, where you're in the cute pregnant stage (not the evil eye is-she-fat-or-pregnant or the "are you sure you're not having twins, holy crap when are you due stages) and your belly features prominently. But professional photography is so expensive, and it's not really the kind of thing where I want to go to Sears or Target. I mean, Sasha's pregnancy, for one thing, made a roadmap of stretchmarks on my belly. Not the kind of thing I want to show the hoi polloi. However, Cheri takes pictures now! And can airbrush me with Photoshop!

It was not my idea to get these pictures taken. I'd kind of given up on the idea, and it frankly didn't even cross my mind. But Cheri called me up and told me she wanted to get some maternity pictures in her portfolio, and would I be her model. In other words, she acted like I was doing her a favor. Bless her heart. Anyway, she's obviously a genius and got me looking, well, pretty dang good for a pregnant lady!


Spencer Froerer said...

Love them Molly! My fave is the middle one... you look gorgeous! Congrats :D

Emily said...

You are an adorable pregnant lady!