Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In Which I Am Pissed At Cancer

I'm almost done with treatment. In my self-centered mind, that means everyone, everywhere, for all time, should be done with cancer. Or at least, I should be done with cancer. The thing about having loved ones, though, is that no matter my health, I am always at risk. And add family history to that, and...well, cancer is around.

My fabulous cousin was just diagnosed with cancer. Rather, she was not diagnosed. They know she has cancer, but it's presenting weird, so they don't know what type yet. It's weird to pray that someone has lymphoma, but that's the best option right now. Rather, asthma is the best option, but it looks like cancer of some type is the diagnosis.

Less personal but still sucky is that a bus driver was also diagnosed with breast cancer this week. I mean, I heard about it this week. It's been a swell week.

So, I'm soliciting prayers. They work. If you're not already praying for my cousin and the Weber School District bus driver, would you? Your prayers have gotten me through my cancer treatment, teaching during chemotherapy, and (hopefully) to health. If such be with us, what can be against us?

I only have one more question.

Is it sacrilegious to pray to kick cancer's ass?


Unknown said...

I always love it when you post. Even about THIS.
I'm considering starting to suck my thumb again.

Auntie K

Unknown said...

I always love it when you post. Even about THIS.
I'm considering starting to suck my thumb again.

Auntie K