Monday, May 24, 2010

Mama I yuv you

Before bed, I always sing Sabrina a couple of songs. Shameless self-promotion: I started singing "Mother I love you" from the Primary songbook. Now, I ask what song she wants and she says "Mama dada." That means "I'm so glad when daddy comes home." Sigh. THEN she asks for "Mama, I yuv you." Aw. My heart goes all melty.

As can be expected, my pregnancy is progressing apace. Yesterday we had family portraits with the Froerers. I can think of a better time, like in A YEAR when I'm not 5+ months pregnant. However, Austin and Karen + 5 are moving soon, and Austin leaves tomorrow to find a house in Iowa and likely will not be back other than a brief return for the family once the house is bought. Besides, at that point I will be 8 months pregnant, so this is better. Still. The sweet photographer suggested I put a hand above or below my belly so I look pregnant, not "frumpy." The fact that she's absolutely right did not make me feel better about the once-in-ten-years family portrait featuring me as an extra 15 pounds or so!

Oh, and Victoria mentioned when she heard about the family portraits she thought, "Well, at least no one's pregnant! Oh wait. I guess I mean, 'At least I'M not pregnant." Ha ha, very funny.

The pictures were yesterday. It was pouring. For the group picture, we went across the field to the far end of the Froerer Family Compound, across foot-high grass. I was fine. I have an extra couple pounds of blood (yes, yes, to say nothing of the other couple pounds, I know) keeping me warm, but poor baby Sabrina was snuggled right up to me. "Told," she said. That means "I'm cold, mama! How could you do this to me?"

I really think the pictures will turn out cute, though. We were all good sports, especially the photographer!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pants? No pants!

It's a battle I've been fighting a lot lately. Yes, Sabrina, you have to wear pants. At least when we go outside. AND YES! YOU MUST KEEP YOUR DIAPER ON! FOR THE LOVE OF PETE! Shoes, however, are negotiable. PUT YOUR DIAPER BACK ON!

I've been trying to get my house painted, too. Finally. It's getting close, but honestly, I am not getting on that ladder to climb up 300 feet (give or take) when I'm this pregnant. Actually, that might just be an excuse. I really don't want to, though, so I'm trying to figure out who I can guilt into it. Any young women out there need a YW project? I have a good idea for one!

The big news, of course, is that we (might) (finally) get the loan to buy Austin and Karen's house (my BIL and SIL). course, I'm not sure what those final things are. I just do what I'm told. Get insurance? Sure. Call the bank? Sure. What do I say? Okay. No one be mad at me because I'm not proactive, I have no idea what I'm doing! And one final thing: Sabrina, put your diaper back on!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Back from D.C.--a while ago

I know, it's been a while since I had a post. I'm not sure why, but my life has seemed overwhelming to me lately. However, I have to say it's NOT because of the disaster my house was when I got home from five days away. Zane was very responsive to my pre-trip statement of "If the house is a disaster when I get home, you're in big trouble. And this might be a good time to let you know that when I come home from having a baby" in about five months "the house better not be a mess either." Lo and behold, when I got home the kitchen was clean, with dishes done and trash taken out. I think Zane had Spencer do the dishes since all 6,000 utensils were in the first three sections of the dishwasher utensil-holder, but hey, the dishes were done.

I have lots to say about the trip, but since it's too overwhelming to think of downloading my pictures from my camera (since it would take, like, five minutes), I'm just going to wait a day or so (more) on that. I do want to give you a mental picture, though, of Sabrina holding her giraffe (baff), and telling me it was sad. "Baff sad." And hugging it. And then saying, "Poop!", laying it down on its back, and saying "biper!" Which means, of course, diaper. And then pretending to change its diaper. I'm glad to be home.